500Si High Speed Stretch Wrappers

Ossid's 500Si high speed stretch wrapper is designed to package a variety of products and uses our gripper chain technology to produce tightly wrapped packages at speeds up to 120 trays per minute. Experience a speed upgrade when switching from elevator to Ossid’s in-line tray wrapping style machine.

These automated machines are efficient and effective for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Fresh poultry
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Case ready meats
  • Fresh proteins
  • Frozen meals
  • Smoked products

Flexible to accommodate diverse industry requirements, watch the 500si stretch wrapper in action.

Experience the Ossid 500Si Tray Overwrapper in 3D.

When you need quality wrapping and labeling solutions, this equipment is designed to operate easy and improve productivity.

The 500Si stretch wrapper is a cost effective solution for packaging a variety of produce products such as peppers and mini cucumbers.

The 500Si stretch wrapper is a cost effective solution for packaging a variety of fresh proteins, such as steak.

Trays of sausage are overwrapped using less film than competitive overwrapping machines.

The 500Si precisely overwraps pork chop packages with attention to detail.

The Ossid 500Si overwraps trays of frozen meatballs quickly and efficiently.

When vegetables, like corn, require overwrapping, the Ossid 500Si can tightly wrap packages at high speeds.

The 500Si stretch wrapper is a cost effective solution for packaging a variety of protein products such as pork, red meat, and more.

The 500Si stretch wrapper is a cost effective solution for packaging a variety of protein products such as red meat, meatballs, and more.

The 500Si stretch wrapper is a cost effective solution for packaging a variety of produce products such as mushrooms.

The 500Si high speed stretch wrapper is the ideal overwrapping machine for the smoked/processed meat products industry.

Ossid recommended its 500Si High Speed Stretch Overwrapper to Virginia Produce as a way to not only achieve its higher production goals, but presents their products – such as corn, tomatoes, cucumbers and other produce – in packaging designed to help keep food fresh, safe, and ready to be sold.